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How to use sTToXML with Netsuite®

Below are step-by-step directions for converting your information to XML and then uploading the XML-formatted information to Netsuite

Decide which Netsuite table to populate

sTToXML supports all the numerous tables Netsuite has exposed with its smbxml XML language.  Click here to see a list of supported tables.  Some of the typical table choices include customers, inventory items, sales orders, invoices, customer payments, plus over 40 additional selections.

Create and download a sTToXML / XML template

An sTToXML XML template is a empty spreadsheet file which includes column names which correspond to the XML elements (fields) within an XML document.    You will select the template type which corresponds to your desired Netsuite table.  The template file later populated with your information and then converted to XML.


Login into sTToXML Click here for the sTToXML login page.
You can setup a free, demo sTToXML account from  the product selection matrix page.


Select the Template option from the sTToXML main menu. The template function is used to create template files for population with your source information.


Select a template using the 'Build a smbxml Template' field. Select the desired table from the pull-down list.

Leave the other fields at their default settings.


Click the 'Generate Template File' button. sTToXML will now create the template file. 
    The template download screen will open including a template download link.


Right-click the link displaying the template filename.  


Select the option "Save Target as..." or similar and download the template. Follow the on-screen instructions for specifying a target folder for the download and starting the download.  Do note/remember the folder name.  The XML file will now be stored on your local computer after the download completes. 

Populate the template with your information.

There any number of techniques available to populate the template with your data.  The end result is a spreadsheet consisting of your data but with the column names from the downloaded sTToXML / XML template. Consult your data administrator for the best way to proceed given his/her experience and preferences.


Rename / rearrange columns in your source spreadsheet.


Generate formatted reports from your ERP or source application.


Export formatted spreadsheets from your data base application.
The column names must be same sequence, spelling, and capitalization as the template file.
Many systems are capable of exporting information using a report writer or other export option.  Do export the information as comma-delimited .CSV or Excel .xls files.  Use the column names from the smbxml template as field names in your query or report writer


  • Do not use text qualifiers (quotation marks).
  • Replace commas in the source data with their decimal equivalent phrase: ,
    Natural commas in the source data  will interrupt the data columns in a comma-delimited file.
  • Prefix row values with number with leading zeros with 'sttoxmllz'.  This is especially helpful with zip codes which often have leading zeros.  Otherwise, leading zeros are often dropped by spreadsheet editors or sTToXML.  Example: 'sttoxmllz01468'.
  • Prefix values in column with mixed data-types (both numbers and text) with 'sttoxmllz'.  This will convert all of the data to a single data-type (string) insuring their successful conversion.



Convert the template to XML



Login into sTToXML  


Select the CSV to XML menu option. The CSV to XML function converts a comma-delimited .csv or Excel .xls spreadsheet file to XML


Use the Browse button to select your populated template file. Leave the other fields at their default settings.


Click the Upload and Convert button. sTToXML will upload the source spreadsheet and convert it to a validated XML file ready for download to your computer.


  The CSV to XML download screen will open including a link for downloading the finished XML file.


Right-click the link displaying the template filename.  


Select the option "Save Target as..." or similar and download the template. Follow the on-scren instructions for specifying a target folder for the download and starting the download.  Do note/remember the folder name.  The XML file will now be stored on your local computer after the download completes. 

Upload the XML into Netsuite

Netsuite allows a great number of its table to populated or updated via XML.  You may visit the How to Upload Netsuite XML page for more information.
  Login into your Netsuite account.  
  Surf to the XML upload screen. Select the options Transactions / Other / Submit XML Document.
  Use the Browse button to select your XML file.  
  Click the Submit button Netsuite will upload your XML file and read into its information into the specified table within your Netsuite account.  The XML file may be queued in Netsuite depending on the server load.

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